Changing FTP from binary to ascii in PowerShell script using WebClient -

simple powershell script. downloads file (in binary) no issues. need in ascii.

$file = "c:\temp\ftpfile.txt" $ftp = "ftp://myusername:mypass@12.345.6.78/'report'"; $webclient = new-object -typename; $uri = new-object -typename system.uri -argumentlist $ftp; $webclient.downloadfile($uri, $file); 

the webclient not support ascii/text ftp mode.

use ftpwebrequest instead , set .usebinary false.

$file = "c:\temp\ftpfile.txt" $ftp = "ftp://myusername:mypass@12.345.6.78/'report'";  $ftprequest = []::create($ftp)  $ftprequest.method = []::downloadfile $ftprequest.usebinary = $false  $ftpresponse = $ftprequest.getresponse()  $responsestream = $ftpresponse.getresponsestream()  $targetfile = new-object io.filestream($file, [io.filemode]::create) [byte[]]$readbuffer = new-object byte[] 1024  {     $readlength = $$readbuffer, 0, 1024)     $targetfile.write($readbuffer, 0, $readlength) } while ($readlength -ne 0)  $targetfile.close() 

reference: what's best way automate secure ftp in powershell?

note webclient uses ftpwebrequest internally, not expose .usebinary property.


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