java - maven-jaxb2-plugin not compiling xsd on linux machine but works on windows? -

here code snippet pom.xml

            <plugin>                 <groupid>org.jvnet.jaxb2.maven2</groupid>                 <artifactid>maven-jaxb2-plugin</artifactid>                 <version>0.8.3</version>             </plugin> 

here exception

   [info] --- maven-jaxb2-plugin:0.8.3:generate (default) @ customer-project ---    [error] error while parsing schema(s).location [ file:....customer.xsd{12,97}].     org.xml.sax.saxparseexception: src-resolve: cannot resolve name 'customer:customerapplication' a(n) 'element declaration' component.         @         @         @         @ 

first xsd relevant part

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?> <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""             xmlns=""             xmlns:customer=""             targetnamespace=""             elementformdefault="qualified">     <xsd:import schemalocation="customerdetails.xsd"               namespace=""/>     <xsd:element name="customernewrequest">         <xsd:complextype>             <xsd:sequence>                 <xsd:element ref="customer:customerapplicationdetail" minoccurs="0"/>             </xsd:sequence>         </xsd:complextype>     </xsd:element>     ... </xsd:schema> 

customerdetails.xsd(nested xsd) location same of first xsd. here relevant part

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xsd:schema version="2.15"              xmlns:xsd=""             xmlns=""             targetnamespace=""             xmlns:countries=""             elementformdefault="qualified">     <!-- version 2.15 -->     <xsd:import namespace="" schemalocation="states.xsd"/>     <xsd:element name="customerapplicationdetail"                type="customerapplicationdetail"/>     <xsd:complextype name="customerapplicationdetail">      .....     </xsd:schema> 

i had same issue valid xsds failed compile on linux worked on windows , mac. had turn off strict validation in maven-jaxb-2 plugin configuration :

<configuration>     <schemadirectory>src/main/resources/xsd</schemadirectory>     <strict>false</strict>     <extension>true</extension> </configuration> 


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