android - How to animate simple View to move from bottom to top? -

i need implement type of progress bar. should simple view, moves top bottom infinitely. have concept art feature:

yellow zone should move bottom. how can animate this?

use method:

private void moveviewtoscreencenter( view view ) {     relativelayout root = (relativelayout) findviewbyid( );     displaymetrics dm = new displaymetrics();     this.getwindowmanager().getdefaultdisplay().getmetrics( dm );     int statusbaroffset = dm.heightpixels - root.getmeasuredheight();      int originalpos[] = new int[2];     view.getlocationonscreen( originalpos );      int xdest = dm.widthpixels/2;     xdest -= (view.getmeasuredwidth()/2);     int ydest = dm.heightpixels - (view.getmeasuredheight()/2) - statusbaroffset;      translateanimation anim = new translateanimation( 0, xdest - originalpos[0] , 0, ydest - originalpos[1] );     anim.setduration(1000);     anim.setfillafter( true );     view.startanimation(anim); } 


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