sql - SSRS Average Time in Minutes and then Format to HH MM -

i've seen lot of questions average time in ssrs i'm pretty new , none of these questions address specific need appreciated.

i have duration field (fields!duration1.value) pulling in duration in minutes (example: 170). in stored procedure i'm converting hh mm so:

convert(varchar(5),dateadd(minute, test.duration,0) ,114) duration1 

this working charm , i'm using in ssrs report. unfortunately, have need of getting average duration. threw in original field test.duration select in stored procedure. report set matrix , "total" line want have average displayed.

so i'm pretty sure need first:


which works (but has ridiculous decimal value), how format value hh:mm??? i'm sure in stored procedure i'm not positive on how there either basically: , welcome!


you add own formatting function report code section:

public function minstohhmm (byval minutes decimal)   dim hourstring = floor(minutes/60).tostring()    dim minstring = floor(minutes mod 60).tostring()   return hourstring.padleft(2, "0") & ":" & minstring.padleft(2, "0") end function  

and call in cell expression this:



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