c# - Obtaining Sample Queries Efficiently from SQL using Entity Framework in Visual Studio -

i'm working massive database, 50gb in size. want iteratively process rows of database using entity framework provided in visual studio. current attempt follows (and fails miserably):

using (var db = new context()) {     var test = (from b in db.x orderby b.id select b.y);      (int = 0; < 100; i++) {         var sample = test.skip(200*i).take(200);         operateon(sample);     } } 

when code ran, past forming test, cannot form sample variable. sql times out, , visual studio gives following complaint:

unhandled exception: system.data.entity.core.entitycommandexecutionexception: error occurred while executing command definition. see inner exception details. ---> system.data.sqlclient.sqlexception: timeout expired. time out period elapsed prior completion of operation or server not res ponding. ---> system.componentmodel.win32exception: wait operation timed out

is there better way take rows using entity framework, , if so, how do it?

edit: tried implement sqlreader implementation of algorithm, same timeout error occurring:

using (sqlconnection db = new sqlconnection("connection string")) {     db.open();      using (var command = db.createcommand()) {         command.commandtext = "select x y order z";         using (var reader = command.executereader()) {             while (reader.read()) {                 string response = reader.getstring(0);                 operateon(response);             }         } } 

in situation, best use reader. example:

using (var db = new context()) {     using (var command = db.connection.createcommand())     {         command.commandtext = "select y x order id";         using (var reader = command.executereader())         {                         if (reader.hasrows)             {                 while (reader.read())                 {                     operateon(reader.getstring(0));                 }             }         }     } } 

the datareader provides read only, forward only, high performance mechanism retrieve data database.

using datareader increases performance , reduces overhead because 1 row @ time ever in memory.


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