error in eclipse with android:windowElevation -

i have problem eclipse

enter image description here

this error appears in console:

(\appcompat_v7\res\values-v21\themes_base.xml:146: error: error: no resource found matches given name: attr 'android:windowelevation'.) 

and further information:

description resource    path    location    type unparsed aapt error(s)! check console output.   appcompat_v7        line 1  android adt problem method onoptionsitemselected(menuitem) of type mainactivity must override or implement supertype method   /9/src/com/example  line 24 java problem method oncreateoptionsmenu(menu) of type mainactivity must override or implement supertype method   /9/src/com/example  line 17 java problem method oncreate(bundle) of type mainactivity must override or implement supertype method   /9/src/com/example  line 11 java problem method getmenuinflater() undefined type mainactivity   /9/src/com/example  line 19 java problem import cannot resolved   /9/src/com/example  line 3  java problem r cannot resolved variable   /9/src/com/example  line 13 java problem r cannot resolved variable   /9/src/com/example  line 19 java problem r cannot resolved variable   /9/src/com/example  line 29 java problem error: error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name 'theme.appcompat.light'. styles.xml  /9/res/values   line 7  android aapt problem error: error retrieving parent item: no resource found matches given name 'android:widget.material.actionbutton'.  styles_base.xml /appcompat_v7/res/values-v21    line 75 android aapt problem actionbaractivity cannot resolved type   /9/src/com/example  line 8  java problem actionbaractivity cannot resolved type   /9/src/com/example  line 12 java problem actionbaractivity cannot resolved type   /9/src/com/example  line 32 java problem 

how can fix that?

you need build project against highest api want support, set target sdk project 21 or 22 (if got sdk downloaded already)


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