javascript - Node-RED Stability -

i've had jump development using mean on server-side. having been thrown in @ deep end node.js, wanted apply new found understanding node-red environment. previous attempts bbb , raspberries working stable version of node-red proved fruitless.

is there reason why particular configurations of node-red aren't locked down notable version changes in mongodb example? question prompted previous frustration , today's bug replicated on bitnami mean stack on windows.

i can try , roll-back suggested versions of modules in package.json seems extreme. clarification appreciated.

my dead-in-the-water editor error today:

c:\bitnami\meanstack-3.0.2-0\projects\node-red>node-red   welcome node-red ===================  19 jun 18:36:16 - [info] node-red version: v0.10.10 19 jun 18:36:16 - [info] node.js  version: v0.12.2 19 jun 18:36:16 - [info] loading palette nodes 19 jun 18:36:17 - [warn] ------------------------------------------ 19 jun 18:36:17 - [warn] failed register 5 node types 19 jun 18:36:17 - [warn] run -v details 19 jun 18:36:17 - [warn] ------------------------------------------ 19 jun 18:36:17 - [info] settings file  : ./settings 19 jun 18:36:17 - [info] user directory : \users\xxx\.node-red 19 jun 18:36:17 - [info] flows file     : \users\xxx\.node-red\flows_opti plex790.json 19 jun 18:36:17 - [info] server running @ 19 jun 18:36:17 - [info] creating new flows file 19 jun 18:36:17 - [info] starting flows 19 jun 18:36:17 - [info] started flows 19 jun 18:37:50 - [red] uncaught exception: 19 jun 18:37:50 - typeerror: argument entity must string, buffer, or fs.stats      @ etag (c:\bitnami\meanstack-3.0.2-0\nodejs\node_modules\node-red\node_modu les\express\node_modules\send\node_modules\etag\index.js:55:11)     @ sendstream.setheader (c:\bitnami\meanstack-3.0.2-0\nodejs\node_modules\no de-red\node_modules\express\node_modules\send\index.js:724:15)     @ sendstream.send (c:\bitnami\meanstack-3.0.2-0\nodejs\node_modules\node-re d\node_modules\express\node_modules\send\index.js:500:8)     @ onstat (c:\bitnami\meanstack-3.0.2-0\nodejs\node_modules\node-red\node_mo dules\express\node_modules\send\index.js:585:10)     @ fsreqwrap.oncomplete (fs.js:95:15)  c:\bitnami\meanstack-3.0.2-0\projects\node-red> 

the project's package.json does specify specific versions of main dependencies.

the problem here running on node 0.12.

as per installation instructions, release notes , open issue link to, node-red not support node 0.12 yet.

if looking specific help, suggest use project's mailing list.


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