php - MediaWiki footer viewcount -

i'm using mediawiki, wanna show view count on foot.

my env:

mediawiki 1.25.1

php 5.4.41

mysql 5.5.43

readed offical manual dont know how do.

it's say:

$wghooks['skintemplateoutputpagebeforeexec'][] = 'lftoslink'; function lftoslink( $sk, &$tpl ) {     $tpl->set( 'termsofservice', $sk->footerlink( 'termsofservice', 'termsofservicepage' ) );     $tpl->data['footerlinks']['places'][] = 'termsofservice';     return true; } 

how change code of lftoslink turn on viewcount?

while hit counter removed in mediawiki 1.25, extension:hitcounters available replace core functionality, mark a. hershberger.


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