spring boot - Accessing Twitter Data - Failed authentication with valid credentials -

i've downloaded code spring's started guide - accessing twitter data https://spring.io/guides/gs/accessing-twitter/ .

i set credentials in application.properties , made no other changes. run app, , when attempts connect twitter, fails exception on connectcontroller line 240:

resourceaccessexception: org.springframework.web.client.resourceaccessexception: i/o error on post request "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token":cannot retry due server authentication, in streaming mode; nested exception java.net.httpretryexception: cannot retry due server authentication, in streaming mode

i have checked credentials being read app. valid - use them connect application i've written twitter4j, although in case use token , token secret in addition consumer key , consumer secret.

any ideas?


i had same issue : happened because did not set callback url in twitter setting.

just check in twitter app settings callback field set (i used same url website field).


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