python 2.7 - Alternative to .replace() for replacing multiple substrings in a string -

are there alternatives similar .replace() allow pass more 1 old substring replaced?

i have function pass video titles specific characters can removed (because api i'm passing videos has bugs don't allow characters):

def videonameexists(vidname):     vidname = vidname.encode("utf-8")     bugfixvidname = vidname.replace(":", "")     search_url ='{}%22'.format(bugfixvidname) 

right now, it's eliminating ":" video titles vidname.replace(":", "") replace "|" when occurs in name string sorted in vidname variable. there alternative .replace() allow me replace more 1 substring @ time?

>>> s = "a:b|c" >>> s.translate(none, ":|") 'abc' 


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