charts - VBA cell selection "application.union" with cells() -

i'm having trouble selecting parts of 2 different lines in sub. sub must create chart these lines datasource, , number of second line argument of procedure. comptelignedebut , comptecolonnefin functions defined earlier, return integer. here's part causes issue, specific line causes error set x... :

sub test(ligne integer)     dim graphe chart     dim x range     set graphe = charts.add     graphe.charttype = xlcolumnclustered     set x = application.union(range(cells(ligne, 2), cells(ligne, comptecolonnefin)), range(cells(comptelignedebut, 2), cells(comptelignedebut, comptecolonnefin - 1)))     graphe.setsourcedata (x) 

thank help/advice

the union looks ok , code below works fine me. think 1 of functions problem.

sub runthetest()      test 3  end sub sub test(ligne integer)     dim x range      set x = application.union(range(cells(ligne, 2), cells(ligne, comptecolonnefin)), range(cells(comptelignedebut, 2), cells(comptelignedebut, comptecolonnefin - 1)))  end sub  private function comptecolonnefin() integer     comptecolonnefin = 2 end function  private function comptelignedebut() integer     comptelignedebut = 2 end function 

try splitting application.union line smaller bits. check values functions return.

sub test(ligne integer)     dim x range     dim colonnefin integer     dim lignedebut integer      colonnefin = comptecolonnefin()     lignedebut = comptelignedebut()      set x = range(cells(ligne, 2), cells(ligne, colonnefin))     set x = application.union(x, range(cells(lignedebut, 2), cells(lignedebut, colonnefin - 1)))  end sub 


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