Output format of TCM with PowerShell -

i try list of testsuites of specific testplan powershell , tcm.exe writing:

$listofsuites = & "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 12.0\common7\ide\tcm.exe" suites /list /planid:1234 

i right result, formated single string like:

id        name                                                              --------- ----------------------------------------------------------------  1235      test project                                                 1236      test project -> manual tests -> first testsuite            1237      test project -> manual tests -> second testsuite 

is possible result list or table can iterated through these suites?

regards johannes

you single string if execute external program. in order receive string table, first call


to array of strings, need parse strings offset of strings in line-filled 1 (in case, 0 9 "id", 11 end "name"). example (taken this script):

$starters = new-object psobject -property @{"sessionname" = 0; "username" = 0;       "id" = 0; "state" = 0; "type" = 0; "device" = 0;};  foreach($line in $c) {      if($line.trim().substring(0, $line.trim().indexof(" ")) -eq "sessionname") {             $starters.username = $line.indexof("username");             $starters.id = $line.indexof("id");             $starters.state = $line.indexof("state");             $starters.type = $line.indexof("type");             $starters.device = $line.indexof("device");             continue;         }          new-object psobject -property @{             "sessionname" = $line.trim().substring(0, $line.trim().indexof(" ")).trim(">")             ;"username" = $line.substring($starters.username, $line.indexof(" ", $starters.username) - $starters.username)             ;"id" = $line.substring($line.indexof(" ", $starters.username), $starters.id - $line.indexof(" ", $starters.username) + 2).trim()             ;"state" = $line.substring($starters.state, $line.indexof(" ", $starters.state)-$starters.state).trim()             ;"type" = $line.substring($starters.type, $starters.device - $starters.type).trim()             ;"device" = $line.substring($starters.device).trim()     }  

$c result external command has no lines dashes , header formatted such:

 sessionname       username                 id  state   type        device 

once do, can turn each string new-object psobject -property @{"id"=$parsedid;"name"=$parsedname} , list of tailored objects work with. technique demonstrated in same example.


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