Sorting Tuples In a list by alphabetical order and it's value - Python -

this question has answer here:

i creating program sorts test results alphabetical value (name) - highest lowest (score). have created list scores appended to. here code:

scores=[] quits=''  while quits!= 'y':   name=input("what's name? ")   score=input("what's score? ")   lst=(name,int(score))   scores.append(lst)   quits=input("would quit? (y or n) ") print(scores) 

this different this because sorting strings and integers.

simply sort scores key function sorts first item in tuple; 2nd item:


from operator import itemgetter  scores = sorted(scores, key=itemgetter(0, 1)) print(scores) 

so final code sample this:

from operator import itemgetter  scores=[] quits=''  while quits!= 'y':   name=input("what's name? ")   score=input("what's score? ")   lst=(name,int(score))   scores.append(lst)   quits=input("would quit? (y or n) ") scores = sorted(scores, key=itemgetter(0, 1)) print(scores) 


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