ssh tunnel - python: gaierror [Error -2] Name or service not known sshTunnelForwarder -

below code giving gaierror [error -2] name or service not known sshtunnelforwarder

self.server=sshtunnel.sshtunnelforwarder(                         ('', 22),                         ssh_username="sshuser",                         ssh_password="sshpassword",                         remote_bind_address=('', 4040)                         ) 

it works fine in windows

try passing local_bind_address parameter too. better explicitly state local port remote port being mapped to.

self.server=sshtunnel.sshtunnelforwarder(                     ('', 22),                     ssh_username="sshuser",                     ssh_password="sshpassword",                     remote_bind_address=('', 4040),                     local_bind_address=('', 3331)                     ) 


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