javascript - Userscript that applies to all pages causes issues in StackExchange -

this question has answer here:

possibly related: google comes blank.

my userscript here seems cause issues when use in firefox.

google searches come blank, though can inspect , see code.

however, main thrust of issue (since can band-aid previous 1 excluding sites) editor tools on stackexchange sites disappear, tags dropdown. here screenshot of i'm describing.

this mean

it's going straightforward fix i've missed because don't have scripting background, i'm not sure fix this.

your jquery version in conflict stackoverflow's jquery version.

basically, using older jquery version support older browsers. use in code deprecated jquery function , browser uses jquery version try run these old functions not found.

this how can make sure versions don't in conflict :

var myjq = jquery.noconflict(true);  (function ($) {     $(document).ready(function () {         replacecitations();     }); }(myjq)); 

your code seem duplicating html content, don't think can regex. can try open new question that.


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