Get the console buffer without the last line with C#? -

what i'm trying achieve self-compiled c# file without toxic output.i'm trying achieve console.movebufferarea method looks not work. eg. - save code below .bat extension :

// 2>nul||@goto :batch /* :batch @echo off setlocal  :: find csc.exe set "frm=%systemroot%\\framework\" /f "tokens=* delims=" %%v in ('dir /b /a:d  /o:-n "%systemroot%\\framework\v*"') (    set netver=%%v    goto :break_loop ) :break_loop set csc=%frm%%netver%\csc.exe :: csc.exe found %csc% /nologo /out:"%~n0.exe" "%~dpsfnx0"  %~n0.exe endlocal exit /b 0 */ public class hello {    public static void main() {       clearc();       system.console.writeline("hello, c# world!");    }     private static void clearc() {         system.console.movebufferarea(             0,0,             system.console.bufferwidth,system.console.bufferheight-1,             0,0         );    } } 

the output be:

c:\>//  2>nul  || hello, c# world! 

what want rid of // 2>nul || .is possible? there wrong in logic (the clearc method)?do need pinvoke?

if want in c#, changing clearc function following seems work:

public static void clearc() {     system.console.cursortop = system.console.cursortop - 1;     system.console.write(new string(' ', system.console.bufferwidth));     system.console.cursortop = system.console.cursortop - 1; } 

essentially, move cursor line (to line should contain prompt), blank entire line, move line (which should move blank line between commands). future output take place here.

the obvious downside need wait c# code compiled , executed, before // 2>nul || removed. if want faster, you'll need find console/batch file based solution. other thing keep in mind is assumes prompt single line. if it's long prompt spans 2 lines, you'll bit of mess, may better clear 2 lines, depending on how you're planning on using this.

if want go whole hog , start reading console buffer determine how long prompt is, might want have @ question. whilst article link in answer broken, code download still seems work.

if want go down batchfile based approach, might want have @ question.


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