angularjs - Camera plugin + cordova social sharing -

i'm using camera plugin take photo, , want share photo cordova social sharing plugin, don't know how...

the camera works fine, , shows me photo i'd taken

ionicapp.controller("functions", function($scope, $rootscope, $cordovacamera) {  $rootscope.takepicture = function() {     var options = {          quality : 75,          destinationtype : camera.destinationtype.data_url,          sourcetype :,          allowedit : true,         encodingtype: camera.encodingtype.jpeg,         targetwidth: 300,         targetheight: 300,         popoveroptions: camerapopoveroptions,         savetophotoalbum: false     };      $cordovacamera.getpicture(options).then(function(imagedata) {         var image = document.getelementbyid('myimage');         $rootscope.imguri = "data:image/jpeg;base64," + imagedata;     }, function(err) {         // error occured. show message user     }); } 


ionicapp.controller("share", function($scope, $cordovasocialsharing) {

$scope.shareanywhere = function() {     $cordovasocialsharing.share("#dstry_cam", "#dstry_cam", "www/imagefile.png", ""); } 


but how can put photo taken before in share function? believe changing "www/imagefile.png" don't know how.

thank you, , sorry bad english

please refer github link.

this cordova plugin reflection of $cordovasocialsharing using ngcordova. got base64 image url using $cordovacamera. can share image using share() function of $cordovasocialsharing.

for example,

$cordovasocialsharing     .share(null,"filename.jpg", $rootscope.imguri, null)     .then(function(result) {       // success callback     }, function(err) {       // error callback     }); 

this let to share picture (under filename of "filename.jpg") opening built-in share dialog in both ios , android. pretty simple.

edit: need include $rootscope in controller.


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