javascript - Save DIV Data In Database Using Ajax To MySQL (using PHP Mysqli) -

have database below fetching data based on studentregid , studcourse , studentsection (are droupdown table) want send fetched data database using ajax , php on submit button click data radio button selected value , associated student name , 3 selected drop down values.


  schoolid   studentregid    studentfirstname studcourse   studentsection      ft001     12kqc31085        abc             bcom                 ft001     12kqc31086        def             bcom                         ft001     12kqc31087        ghi             bcom                   ft001     12kqc31088        jkl             bcom               

data data base

<div id="myspan4">  </div> 


$mysqli=mysqli_connect('localhost','root','root','db'); $standard1 =  mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,trim($_post["tclass"])); $section1 =   mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,trim($_post["tsection"])); $schoolid1 =   mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli,trim($_post["tschoolid"]));              $query3="select * euser_student   studcourse='$standard1' , schoolid='$schoolid1'and studentsection='$section1' order studentfirstname   asc"; $res3=mysqli_query($mysqli, $query3); echo '<table border="1">'; for($i=0; $row=mysqli_fetch_assoc($res3); $i++) {   $dat3 = $row['studentfirstname'];    // data ajax display data in div   // put student's name in hidden input   echo "<tr>     <td>" . $dat3 . " <input type='hidden' name='student[" . $i . "]' value='" . $dat3 . "'></td>     <td><input name='present[" . $i . "]' type='radio' value='present'>present</td>     <td><input name='present[" . $i . "]' type='radio' value='absent'>absent</td>     <td><input name='present[" . $i . "]' type='radio' value='leave'>leave</td>   </tr>"; }    echo '</table>';          ?> 


  function activity3() {  $('#subjects').change(function () {     var selection = this.value; //grab value selected      if ( selection=='0')     {          alert("select subject");       }     else     {       httprequest = false;            if (window.xmlhttprequest) { // mozilla, safari,...              httprequest = new xmlhttprequest();              if (httprequest.overridemimetype) {                 httprequest.overridemimetype('text/html');              }           } else if (window.activexobject) { // ie              try {                 httprequest = new activexobject("msxml2.xmlhttp");              } catch (e) {                 try {                    httprequest = new activexobject("microsoft.xmlhttp");                 } catch (e) {}              }           }             if (!httprequest) {              alert('cannot create xmlhttp instance');              return false;           }             var url = 'http://localhost:9999/attendence-php/fetch_student.php';            var pmeters = "tschoolid=" + encodeuri( localstorage.getitem("txtpassword1"))+                         "&tclass=" + encodeuri(document.getelementbyid("datatosend").innerhtml)+                         "&tsection=" + encodeuri(document.getelementbyid("datatosend1").innerhtml);      'post',url,true);              httprequest.setrequestheader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");             httprequest.setrequestheader("content-length", pmeters.length);             httprequest.setrequestheader("connection", "close");             httprequest.send(pmeters);               httprequest.onreadystatechange = function()             {                  if(httprequest.readystate == 3)  // loading request                 {                        $('#img').show(); //<----here                  }                  if(httprequest.readystate == 4) // return request                 {                      var retval = httprequest.responsetext;                      document.getelementbyid("myspan4").innerhtml = retval + '<input type="submit">';                            }              }       } });        } 

for trying send selected radio button value , name (not working)

on submit data send database

     $(document).ready(function() {    $('#myspan4').submit(function(e) {     e.preventdefault();     $.ajax({       url: 'http://localhost:9999/attendence-php/ajax2.php',       data: $(this).serialize(),    // reads data ...       success: function(data) {         $('#message').html(data);       }     });   }); }); 

ajax2 php :was using php testing. b changed later associated table , field names

$servername = "localhost"; $username = "root"; $password = "root";  $dbname = "db"; $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); // $_get['present'] , $_get['student'] arrays. $sql = "insert wsmessages (name,msg) values "; foreach($_get['student']  $i=>$student) {  $sql .= sprintf("%s ('%s', '%s')"      , ($i==0 ? '' : ',')  // puts comma between rows (it skips first comma)      , mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, trim($_get['student'][$i]))      , mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, trim($_get['present'][$i]))   ); } echo $sql; if ($conn->query($sql)) {  // success } 


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