template repeat in polymer 1.0 -

i've created test polymer element in figuring out how use use arrays in templates. code not work , documentation 1.0 doesn't talk how use repeat in template tags.

my element:

    <!-- imports polymer --> <link rel="import" href="polymer/polymer.html">  <!-- defines element markup --> <dom-module id="my-element" >     <template>     <style>     my-element     </style>     <h2>{{data}}</h2>     <ul>     <template repeat={{column in columns}} bind>     <li>{{column}}</li>     </template>     </ul>      </template> </dom-module>  <!-- registers custom element --> <script> polymer({     is: 'my-element',      // fires when instance of element created     created: function() {        },      // fires when local dom has been prepared     ready: function() {},      // fires when element inserted document     attached: function() {},      // fires when element removed document     detached: function() {},      // fires when attribute added, removed, or updated     attributechanged: function(name, type) {      alert("changed");      },      properties:{      data :string,     columns:array      } }); </script> 

and index.html page i'm using element:

<!doctype html> <html> <head>      <meta charset="utf-8">     <title>&lt;my-repo&gt;</title>      <!-- imports polyfill -->     <script src="webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>      <!-- imports  

custom element -->

<link rel="import" href="my-element.html"> 

<!-- runs custom element --> <my-element users = '{{[1,2,3,4]}}'  data="this polymer table"></my-element> 

please let me know what's wrong code!!

you have use

<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{users}}">   <li>{{item}}</li> </template> 

and in main file:

<my-element users="[1,2,3,4]" data="this polymer table"></my-element> 

you can search youtube polycast, series google developers they're talking polymer beginners , showing cool tricks.


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