regex - Regular Expression find same word repeatead on a line -

i try create regex find word can appear example 3 times on line. example have "my cat here , second cat , third cat there."

so create regex :


it works 2 times appearing. if add want more 3 times :


it doesn't work. try find word @ least 3 letters long , can appear @ least 3 times on same line.

someone have idea ?


your regex must be,


\1{3,} search 3 or more times of captured word



.* matches character, 0 or more times. \1 refers chars present inside first capturing group. (?:.*\1){2,} search captured string appear more twice. if yes, matching. 3 or more, change number 2 present inside repeatation quantifier 3. {2,} repeats previous token (?:.*\1) 2 or more times.


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