eclipse - LWJGL Java App Only Launches By Terminal (Linux, potentially OS X) -
i have application i've created using lwjgl 2 main components: game , editor. when running jar eclipse or using java -jar <jarname>.jar
, application runs lwjgl components fine. however, whenever double click .jar run it, lwjgl components not run in application, show no errors, literally nothing.
i have libraries linked, before lwjgl componenents called, make sure set library path proper natives depending on os.
as how app structured, have 1 jar file runs sort of mini launcher, allowing user select either game or engine. when game selected, button depressed few seconds , game's window never pops up. again, running via command line produces no such issues.
my directory structure follows app.jar
in natives/windows or natives/macosx or natives/linux folders proper natives. in jars folder lwjgl jars such lwjgl-util.jar , lwjgl.jar, eclipse compiles these jars launcher. have tried copying contents of folder natives depending on current os, still nothing. i've setup try/catch check if there's uncalled error when run game window, again, nothing.
to add on, editor has jinternalframe canvas housing engine (for when editing) , component not run, remains white canvas.
what missing here? pondered if missing classpath if was, would've gotten same errors in console. application doomed console app?
for further clarification, source on github
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