android - Delay popping up a dialog fragment till a webview within has completed loading -

i have dialog fragment contains single web view. want dialog popup once web view has completed loading url.

this oncreateview of dialogfragment

public view oncreateview(layoutinflater inflater, viewgroup container, bundle savedinstancestate) {     view view = inflater.inflate(r.layout.dialog_a, container, false);      webview = (webview) view.findviewbyid(;     webview.clearcache(true);     webview.loadurl(url); } 

the problem have web view object created after oncreateview() method called called after show() called; in turn cause dialog popup.

is there anyway can preload web view before popup dialog?

i wouldnt use dialogfragment because of lifecycle of fragment. u want load webview prior showing user. therefore use customlayout visibility=gone , when webview (inside layout) finish loading ill fadein layout. use framelayout , put @ topof hierarchy.


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