queue - RabbitMQ: How to send Dead Letter Exchange from Erlang client -

i want send dead letter exchange erlang client tried few days unable figure out how while can send through ruby client easily.

amqp_channel:call(channel, #'queue.declare'{   queue = queuename,   arguments = [{<<"x-dead-letter-exchange">>, <<"">>}, {<<"x-dead-letter-routing-key">>, <<"task_pool1">>}, {<<"x-message-ttl">>, unhideinminute*60000}],   durable = true} ), io:format("declared channel.~n"), amqp_channel:cast(channel,   #'basic.publish'{     exchange = <<"">>,     routing_key = queuename     },   #amqp_msg{props = #'p_basic'{delivery_mode = 2},   payload = jsonmsg} ) 


the problem when set arguments.

here code:

 %% start network connection   {ok, connection} = amqp_connection:start(#amqp_params_network{}),   erlang:display("connection established"),   ex=#'exchange.declare'{exchange    = <<"my_exchange">>,     ticket      = 0,     type        = <<"topic">>,     passive     = false,     durable     = false,     auto_delete = false,     internal    = false,     nowait      = false,     arguments   = []},    {ok, channel} = amqp_connection:open_channel(connection),   amqp_channel:call(channel, ex),   erlang:display("exchange created"),   amqp_channel:call(channel, #'queue.declare'{     queue = <<"myqueue12">>,     arguments = [{<<"x-dead-letter-exchange">>,longstr, <<"my_exchange">>}, {<<"x-dead-letter-routing-key">>,longstr, <<"task_pool1">>}, {<<"x-message-ttl">>, signedint,60000}],     durable = true}   ), 

when set argument have specify type (longstr, signedint).

i bound queue ex"my_exchange" published message queue:"myqueue12" , worked correctly:

enter image description here

hope helps.


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