php - wordpress plugin custom activation message -

i created wordpress plugin .when activated plugin got "plugin activated" flash msg. want customize message "connect my-plugin" , provide link plugin settings page. try

add_action( 'admin_notices', 'your_custom_function' );  function your_custom_function() {     echo "connect my-plugin";      if( $error ) {         // put here     }  } 

results connect my-plugin msg shown on every page in admin panel.i want show custom msg @ time of activation on plugins page got error plugin generated 2 characters of unexpected output during activation. if notice “headers sent” messages, problems syndication feeds or other issues, try deactivating or removing plugin.

i guess 1 filter hook looking plugin_action_links_(plugin_file_name) allows add custom links plugin entry on plugins page.

to display activation message, see this tutorial.

you have found these 2 research on own.


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