android - GoogleAPIClient connection failed -

i trying connect googledrive through application. drive gets connected through gmail_id's connection fails few ids.

can guide me change need do? why connection vary id id?


@override     protected void onresume() {         super.onresume();         if (maccountname == null) {             return;         }          if (mgoogleapiclient == null) {             mgoogleapiclient = new googleapiclient.builder(this)             .addapi(drive.api)             .addscope(drive.scope_file)             //                    .addscope(drive.scope_appfolder) // required app folder sample             //                    .setaccountname(maccountname)             .addconnectioncallbacks(this)             .addonconnectionfailedlistener(this) //          .addapi(plus.api)             .build();         }         mgoogleapiclient.connect();     }  @override     public void onconnectionfailed(connectionresult result) {         super.connectionfailed(result);         ++count;         if(!result.hasresolution()){             system.out.println("result code = " + result.tostring());             if(dialog != null){                 dialog.dismiss();             }             string message = "";             if(!suicommon.isinterneton(backupdbdata.this)){                 message = "check internet connection , try again.";             }             else{                 message = "unable connect drive.";             }             singlebuttondialog singlebuttondialog = new singlebuttondialog(backupdbdata.this, message,true);             singlebuttondialog.getwindow().setbackgrounddrawableresource(r.drawable.rounded_button);             singlebuttondialog.setcancelable(false);   ;         }     } 


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