c++ - MoveFileEx() File removal on reboot -

currently can remove directory on reboot. im doing using movefileex function along passing movefile_delay_until_rebootconstant.

my question if have following:

directory 1 , inside have directory 2... directory 2 unistalled means directory needs removed there 1 directory within directory 1 means can remove directory 1 in turn remove directory 2. lets after have marked directory 1 removed on reboot directory has been installed directory 1 called directory 3. in scenario directory 2 should removed dont wont remove directory 3.

i wondering if there conditional variables / constants on situation?

the answer if directory or file not marked deleted directory in in not deleted. (just iinspectable noted)

"the system deletes directory tagged deletion movefile_delay_until_reboot flag if empty."


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