excel - VBA - Outlook Task Creation - Recipient based on Dynamic Range -

as of right now, below function works, need change recipient.add field corresponding email address, each change. of email address listed in column on worksheet, , ideally function automatically add correct email based on row.

i calling function using =addtotasks(a1,c1,d1) a1 date, c1, , text, , d1, amount of days prior a1, need reminder pop up. of outlook references correctly added, need figuring out email address.

excel , outlook 2010

option explicit   dim bwestartedoutlook boolean  function addtotasks(strdate string, strtext string, daysout integer) boolean  dim intdaysback integer dim dtedate date dim olapp object ' outlook.application dim objtask object ' outlook.taskitem  if (not isdate(strdate)) or (strtext = "") or (daysout <= 0)   addtotasks = false   goto exitproc end if   intdaysback = daysout - (daysout * 2)  dtedate = cdate(strdate) + intdaysback  on error resume next   set olapp = getoutlookapp on error goto 0  if not olapp nothing   set objtask = olapp.createitem(3)  ' task item      objtask         .startdate = dtedate         .subject = strtext & ", audit start date: " & strdate         .reminderset = true         .recipients.add = "you@mail.com"         .save         .assign         .send     end  else   addtotasks = false   goto exitproc end if  addtotasks = true  exitproc: if bwestartedoutlook   olapp.quit end if set olapp = nothing set objtask = nothing end function  function getoutlookapp() object  on error resume next   set getoutlookapp = getobject(, "outlook.application")   if err.number <> 0     set getoutlookapp = createobject("outlook.application")     bwestartedoutlook = true   end if on error goto 0  end function 

it seems need pass 1 more parameter function:

option explicit   dim bwestartedoutlook boolean  function addtotasks(strdate string, strtext string, daysout integer, email string) boolean  dim intdaysback integer dim dtedate date dim olapp object ' outlook.application dim objtask object ' outlook.taskitem  if (not isdate(strdate)) or (strtext = "") or (daysout <= 0)   addtotasks = false   goto exitproc end if   intdaysback = daysout - (daysout * 2)  dtedate = cdate(strdate) + intdaysback  on error resume next   set olapp = getoutlookapp on error goto 0  if not olapp nothing   set objtask = olapp.createitem(3)  ' task item      objtask         .startdate = dtedate         .subject = strtext & ", audit start date: " & strdate         .reminderset = true         .recipients.add(email)         .recipients.resolveall()         .save         .assign         .send     end  else   addtotasks = false   goto exitproc end if  addtotasks = true  exitproc: if bwestartedoutlook   olapp.quit end if set olapp = nothing set objtask = nothing end function  function getoutlookapp() object  on error resume next   set getoutlookapp = getobject(, "outlook.application")   if err.number <> 0     set getoutlookapp = createobject("outlook.application")     bwestartedoutlook = true   end if on error goto 0  end function 


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