spring-boot OAuth2 client configuration -

i try implement oauth2 client using authorization-code grant flow spring-boot. not work.

"http://external_server/oauth/authorize" called, no get arguments added.

does know wrong in below configuration?

auth provider implemented doorkeeper , it's working. url constants in websecurityconfiguration correct.

@configuration  @enablewebmvcsecurity  @enableoauth2client  public class websecurityconfiguration extends websecurityconfigureradapter {    private static final string auth_endpoint = "http://external_server";   private static final string login_url = auth_endpoint + "/users/sign_in";   private static final string logout_url = auth_endpoint + "/sign_out";    private static final string auth_url = auth_endpoint + "/oauth/authorize";   private static final string access_token_url = auth_endpoint + "/oauth/token";    @autowired oauth2clientcontext oauth2clientcontext;    /**    * specific api    */   @bean public resttemplate resttemplate() {     return new resttemplate();   }    /**    * accessing protected resource    */   @bean public oauth2resttemplate oauth2resttemplate() {     return new oauth2resttemplate(resource(), oauth2clientcontext);   }    @bean protected oauth2protectedresourcedetails resource() {      authorizationcoderesourcedetails resource = new authorizationcoderesourcedetails();     resource.setclientid("_xxx_");     resource.setclientsecret("_yyy_");     resource.setuserauthorizationuri(auth_url);     resource.setaccesstokenuri(access_token_url);      return resource;   }    @override public void configure(websecurity web) throws exception {     web.debug(true).ignoring().antmatchers("/webjars/**", "/css/**");   }    @override protected void configure(httpsecurity http) throws exception {     //@formatter:off     http.csrf().disable().authorizerequests()         .antmatchers("/", "/callback")         .permitall()         .anyrequest()         .authenticated();      http.formlogin()         .loginpage(auth_url)         .loginprocessingurl(login_url);      http.httpbasic()         .disable();     //@formatter:on   } } 


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