php - Is there anyway to add rel="next"/rel="prev" into "Page Template" with WordPress SEO by Yoast? -

our site using "wordpress seo yoast" rel="next" , rel="prev" working fine on category , archive page, in page template created, rel="next" , rel="prev" not showing. (this page template has pagination)

our website structure => have "article" post type

in article have category

  • credit card
  • cash card
  • loan
  • etc.

as want url without having ../category/loan

i created 'page' called 'loan' , using page-loan.php page template query post type 'article' category 'loan'

i want have rel="next" , rel="prev" appear in page template wonder there anyway use wordpress seo yoast it?

or there anyway modify below script in plugin make rel="next" , rel="prev" appear in page template well?

the script found in plugin

    public function adjacent_rel_links() {     // don't genesis, way genesis handles homepage functionality different , causes issues sometimes.     /**      * filter 'wpseo_genesis_force_adjacent_rel_home' - allows devs allow echoing rel="next" / rel="prev" wp seo on genesis installs      *      * @api bool $unsigned whether or not rel=next / rel=prev      */     if ( is_home() && function_exists( 'genesis' ) && apply_filters( 'wpseo_genesis_force_adjacent_rel_home', false ) === false ) {         return;     }      global $wp_query;      if ( ! is_singular() ) {         $url = $this->canonical( false, true, true );          if ( is_string( $url ) && $url !== '' ) {             $paged = get_query_var( 'paged' );              if ( 0 == $paged ) {                 $paged = 1;             }              if ( $paged == 2 ) {                 $this->adjacent_rel_link( 'prev', $url, ( $paged - 1 ), true );             }              // make sure use index.php when needed, done after paged == 2 check prev links homepage not have index.php erroneously.             if ( is_front_page() ) {                 $url = wpseo_xml_sitemaps_base_url( '' );             }              if ( $paged > 2 ) {                 $this->adjacent_rel_link( 'prev', $url, ( $paged - 1 ), true );             }              if ( $paged < $wp_query->max_num_pages ) {                 $this->adjacent_rel_link( 'next', $url, ( $paged + 1 ), true );             }         }     }     else {         $numpages = 0;         if ( isset( $wp_query->post->post_content ) ) {             $numpages = ( substr_count( $wp_query->post->post_content, '<!--nextpage-->' ) + 1 );         }         if ( $numpages > 1 ) {             $page = get_query_var( 'page' );             if ( ! $page ) {                 $page = 1;             }              $url = get_permalink( $wp_query->post->id );              // if current page frontpage, pagination should use /base/             if ( $this->is_home_static_page() ) {                 $usebase = true;             }             else {                 $usebase = false;             }              if ( $page > 1 ) {                 $this->adjacent_rel_link( 'prev', $url, ( $page - 1 ), $usebase, 'single_paged' );             }             if ( $page < $numpages ) {                 $this->adjacent_rel_link( 'next', $url, ( $page + 1 ), $usebase, 'single_paged' );             }         }     } }  /**  * adjacent pages link archives  *  * @since 1.0.2  *  * @param string  $rel                  link relationship, prev or next.  * @param string  $url                  un-paginated url of current archive.  * @param string  $page                 page number add on $url $link tag.  * @param boolean $incl_pagination_base whether or not include /page/ or not.  *  * @return void  */ private function adjacent_rel_link( $rel, $url, $page, $incl_pagination_base ) {     global $wp_rewrite;     if ( ! $wp_rewrite->using_permalinks() ) {         if ( $page > 1 ) {             $url = add_query_arg( 'paged', $page, $url );         }     }     else {         if ( $page > 1 ) {             $base = '';             if ( $incl_pagination_base ) {                 $base = trailingslashit( $wp_rewrite->pagination_base );             }             $url = user_trailingslashit( trailingslashit( $url ) . $base . $page );         }     }     /**      * filter: 'wpseo_' . $rel . '_rel_link' - allow changing link rel output wp seo      *      * @api string $unsigned full `<link` element.      */     $link = apply_filters( 'wpseo_' . $rel . '_rel_link', '<link rel="' . esc_attr( $rel ) . '" href="' . esc_url( $url ) . "\" />\n" );      if ( is_string( $link ) && $link !== '' ) {         echo $link;     } } 


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