How to get php while loop inside javascript -

i struggling solution of problem.

i have php file , javascript while.

my php file looks this:

<?php $sql = "select * flats"; $result = $conn->query($sql);  if ($result->num_rows > 0)  // output data of each row while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {   $flat_id = $row["flat_id"];                  $price = $row["price"];                      $address = $row["address"]; $bedrooms = $row["bedroom"]; $maxguests = $row["maxguests"]; $area = $row["area"]; $lat = $row["lat"]; $lng = $row["lng"];  $map_flats = "{     title : 'property',     image : '1-1-thmb.png',     type : 'for sale',     price : '$price',     address : '$address',     bedrooms : '$bedrooms',     bathrooms : '$maxguests',     area : '$area',     position : {         lat : $lat,         lng : $lng     },     markericon : 'marker-green.png' },";    echo $map_flats;       }}   else {     echo "0 results"; }  $conn->close(); ?> 

and want show content of $map_flats inside js.

var flats = [$map_flats];

could please me how make working?

thanks in advance,


javascript need structure in json format, , needs echoed output. this:

var flats = <?php echo json_encode($map_flats); ?>; 

though looks $map_flats isn't actually php object, formatted json string? easier use php objects in server-side code , json in client-side code, if don't need json-encode output can echo as-is:

var flats = <?php echo $map_flats; ?>; 


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