javascript - Submit form in popup window does not work in Firefox and IE8/IE9 -

i using simple way submit form in pop window (which need done vanilla js)

<form onsubmit="checkoutproducts.onsubmitform(this);" action="/product/" method="post" name="paymentform" id="paymentform"> 

and js code

var checkoutproducts = checkoutproducts || {     onsubmitform: function(form) {'', 'formpopup','width=400,height=400,resizeable,scrollbars'); = 'formpopup';         document.paymentform.submit();     } } 

it working fine in chrome, reason not working in firefox , ie, opens pop blank page, doing wrong?

very simple use tested component works in major browsers in same way.

$( "#dialog" ).dialog({ autoopen: false });  $( "#opener" ).click(function() {    $( "#dialog" ).dialog( "open" );  });
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="//">    <script src="//"></script>    <script src="//"></script>    <button id="opener">open dialog</button>  <div id="dialog" title="dialog title">i'm dialog</div>


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