javascript - Meteor function executes before publish and subscribe finishes loading collection -

i have meteor template helper function searches document of scores. if can't find matching document, creates new 1 user. unfortunately, meteor function executes var score = userscores.findone(); before publish , subscribe functions finish. every time, new userscore document created. if turn on autopublish problem goes away , doesn't create duplicate record. how can ensure publish , subscribe functions execute first, before template helper executes?

do need place meteor method in /lib folder execute or there way client-side?

var score = userscores.findone();  if(!score) { score = {     userid: meteor.userid(),     total: 0,     goal: 200 }; userscores.insert(score); } 

the easiest way template-level subscriptions.

template.mytemplate.oncreated(function() {     var subscription = this.subscribe('publicationname', publicationarguments); } 

that simplified way of doing it, should have no problems helper running first.

edit: discover meteor blog has great post template-level subscriptions. highly recommend reading it:


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