android - How to Convert Firebase data to Java Object...? -

using firebase library send data server in form message(string, string) added hashmap<string, message>


firebase fb = new firebase(url); firebase msgref = fb.child("finished"); hashmap<string, message> msglist = new hashmap<>(); message msg = new message(m, n); msglist.put(hashkey, msg); msgref.push().setvalue(msglist); 

while receiving data firebase method addvalueeventlistener() getting string in form

{ key = finished, value = {     -js9rn0uttjyigdcv8i1={moosa={message=email, name=kamran}},     -js9vsmv6bnvzozpl2l8={moosa={message=msgs, name=imran}},      -js9wtq8yedwvxqmfczb={moosa={message=samsung, name=samad}},      -js9rarxojpkn4ro2ham={moosa={message=message, name=moosa}},      -js9b6f75lwwbsqqnjz0={moosa={message=qmobile, name=bilal}},      -js9adxt8tlgtguccuxu={moosa={message=last, name=moosa}}} } 

how can convert message object.....????

there 2 more way data out of firebase datasnapshot don't require using map<string, object>.

first appoach use methods of datasnapshot traverse children:

ref = new firebase("").limittolast(10); ref.addvalueeventlistener(new valueeventlistener() {     @override     public void ondatachange(datasnapshot datasnapshot) {         (datasnapshot messagesnapshot: datasnapshot.getchildren()) {             string name = (string) messagesnapshot.child("name").getvalue();             string message = (string) messagesnapshot.child("message").getvalue();         }     }      @override     public void oncancelled(firebaseerror firebaseerror) { } }); 

in above snippet use getchildren() iterable of messages. use child("name") each specific child property.

the second approach use built-in json-to-pojo serializer/deserializer. when you're sending message list, message objects inside serialized json , stored in firebase.

to them out of again, have inverse:

ref = new firebase("").limittolast(10); ref.addvalueeventlistener(new valueeventlistener() {     @override     public void ondatachange(datasnapshot datasnapshot) {         (datasnapshot messagesnapshot: datasnapshot.getchildren()) {             message message = messagesnapshot.getvalue(message.class);         }     }      @override     public void oncancelled(firebaseerror firebaseerror) { } }); 

in second snippet, we're still using getchildren() @ messages, deserialize them json straight message object.

for simple sample application using last approach, have @ firebase's androidchat sample. shows how efficiently deal list of messages (hint: firebaselistadapter).


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