jQuery - Multiple events to trigger same function but with different elements -

jquery snippet:

function main_call(){ jquery("#user_registration").on('submit',function(event) {      load_product_serial(); }); jquery("#reg_submit").on('blur',function(event) {     load_product_serial();  });  }   function load_product_serial(){         var result = [];         var prod_serial = jquery('#reg-product-serial').val(); //fetch input value         jquery.ajax({         type: "get",          url: ajaxurl,         async: false,         datatype : "json",         contenttype: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',         data : {action: "get_product_serial"},         //cache: false,              success: function(data){                  result = data;                 if( jquery.inarray( prod_serial, result ) < 0 ){                     jquery( "#invalid_dialog" ).dialog({                     width: 350,                     modal: true,                     resizable: false,                     dialogclass: 'no-close success-dialog',                     buttons: {                       ok: function() {                         jquery( ).dialog( "close" );                       }                     }                   });                     jquery( "button.ui-dialog-titlebar-close" ).hide();//hide close button                     event.preventdefault();                     return false;                  }else{                     alert('success');                     //jquery( "#valid_dialog" ).dialog();                     return true;                 }             },             error: function() {                 alert('unexpected error occured. please try again.');             }         });         //}); } 

here need call function when user clicks on submit button event (reg-product-serial) or when user changes input value onblur event (reg-product-serial)

i can bind using .on() multiple events element here not same.

$('#element').on('keyup keypress blur change', function() {     ... }); 

this not duplicate not using 1 common element 2 different elements same function.

use more 1 line:

$('#element').on('submit',function() { load_product_serial(); }); $('#element2').on('keypress blur change',function() { load_product_serial(); }); 

also, fyi, don't use click event bind function submit button click when want bind submit event of form itself.


regarding comment below event not defined error, don't forget pass in event object argument:

function load_product_serial(event) {   ....   event.preventdefault();   .... }  $('#element').on('submit',function(e) { load_product_serial(e); }); $('#element2').on('keypress blur change',function(e) { load_product_serial(e); }); 


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