c# - Unity 3D Instantiated Prefabs stop moving -

i set pretty simple scene prefab being instantiated every x seconds. applied transform.translate on instances in update() function. works fine until second object spawned, first 1 stops moving , instances stop @ translate value.

here script, attached empty gameobject:

using unityengine; using system.collections;  public class test : monobehaviour {     public gameobject prefab;     private transform prefabinstance;      void spawnenemy() {         gameobject newobject = (gameobject)instantiate(prefab.gameobject, transform.position, transform.rotation);         prefabinstance = newobject.transform;     }      void start() {         invokerepeating ("spawnenemy", 1f, 1f);     }      void update () {         if (prefabinstance) {             prefabinstance.transform.translate (new vector3(4,0,0) * time.deltatime);         }     } } 

your movement occuring on prefabinstance object in update(), however, object gets overwritten when second instance created, last instantiated prefab move.

you should consider splitting code 2 scripts, first 1 spawn prefab, , second script on prefab move it.

public class test : monobehaviour {     public gameobject prefab;      void spawnenemy() {         instantiate(prefab, transform.position, transform.rotation);     }      void start() {         invokerepeating ("spawnenemy", 1f, 1f);     } } 

and put script on prefab:

public class enemy : monobehaviour {     void update () {         transform.translate (new vector3(4,0,0) * time.deltatime);         } } 


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