javascript - How can I get rid of the error "Unsupported format of the sourcemap" while loading jquery-migrate.min.js? -

i getting following error message in visual studio 2013 debug window:

'iexplore.exe' (script): loaded http://localhost:4453/scripts/lib/jquery-migrate.min.js

unsupported format of sourcemap

module load messages turned on (debug window context menu). know there should file, unfortunately not distributed jquery team.

now tried use empty file, , tried use file (simply renaming copy, both don't work.

i have looked on jquery site, provide map file jquery not jquery-migrate: download map file jquery 2.1.4

since file not available download (or did @ wrong location), how can create such file scratch? seems json formatted file.

note: there information available @ stackoverflow site map files (see bootstrap-3-1-1-what-is-the-map-extension-file-used-for). , give idea syntax of sourcemaps, can read this: source map revision 3 proposal

unfortunately, trying mimick sourcemap using information proposal did not help, error message still shown.

what tried creating file in same path minified file jquery-migrate.min.js:

{"version":3, "file":"jquery-migrate.min.js", "sources":["jquery-migrate.js"], "names":["$"],"mappings":";eaaizkc"}

(no idea how mapping code being calculated)

unfortunately, did not help.

then thought suppress error message changing file jquery-migrate.min.js in following way:

i.e., commented out line

//@ sourcemappingurl=dist/

so file looks (the code below truncated easier reading, note last line /*---disabled: //@ sourcemappingurl=dist/ ---*/):

/*! jquery migrate v1.1.1 | (c) 2005, 2013 jquery foundation, inc. , other contributors | */ jquery.migratemute===void 0&&(jquery.migratemute=!0),function(e,t,n){function r(n){o[n]||(o[n]=!0,e.migratewarning....................

/---disabled: //@ sourcemappingurl=dist/ ---/

but error message still occurred. astro gave me right hint (see answer). thank you!

note (to reviewers changed message above): error message thrown visual studio , link local link points iisexpress. don't change error message.

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up vote 2 down vote accepted

the there can debug jquery minified library. needs there development purpose production don't need whole line. dont know why have included line in js.

you can safely delete whole line.

i dont know vs2013 php projects run gulp task on file jquery.js remove line before concatenating other js libraries,

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yes, same achieved creating bundles in visual studio. concatenate , minify files reducing amount of bytes , number of streams when loading code. – matt jun 19 '15 @ 12:08
oh can write task there remove on build ! – astroanu jun 19 '15 @ 12:10
actually, done when switch "release" , build solution. issue occurs in "debug" mode, because there vs not touch files can debug code more easily. ideally, if vs distinguish between .min.js , .js grab unminified files debugging , minified files release. – matt jun 19 '15 @ 12:13

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