javascript - how to autotrigger prev and next button when using tabs in angular material -

how automatically trigger prev , next button when window resized? here html

<div ng-app="anapp" ng-controller="mainctrl" class="tabsdemodynamictabs" layout="column" ng-app="myapp">     <md-content class="md-padding">         <md-tabs md-selected="selectedindex" md-border-bottom="" md-autoselect="">             <md-tab ng-repeat="tab in tabs" ng-disabled="tab.disabled" label="@{{tab.title}}">                 <div class="demo-tab tab@{{$index%4}}" style="padding: 25px; text-align: center;">                     <div ng-bind="tab.content"></div>                 </div>             </md-tab>         </md-tabs>     </md-content> </div> 

and here javascript

    'use strict';            var tabs = [           { title: 'one', content: "tabs become paginated if there isn't enough room them."},           { title: 'two', content: "you can swipe left , right on mobile device change tabs."},           { title: 'three', content: "you can bind selected tab via selected attribute on md-tabs element."},           { title: 'four', content: "if set selected tab binding -1, leave no tab selected."},           { title: 'five', content: "if remove tab, try select new one."},           { title: 'six', content: "there's ink bar follows selected tab, can turn off if want."},           { title: 'seven', content: "if set ng-disabled on tab, becomes unselectable. if selected tab becomes disabled, try select next tab."},           { title: 'eight', content: "if @ source, you're using tabs @ demo tabs. recursion!"},           { title: 'nine', content: "if set md-theme=\"green\" on md-tabs element, you'll green tabs."},           { title: 'ten', content: "if you're still reading this, should go check out api docs tabs!"}         ],         selected = null,         previous = null;     $scope.tabs = tabs;     $scope.selectedindex = 2;     $scope.$watch('selectedindex', function(current, old){       previous = selected;       selected = tabs[current];       if ( old + 1 && (old != current)) $log.debug('goodbye ' + previous.title + '!');       if ( current + 1 )                $log.debug('hello ' + selected.title + '!');     }); 

if possible, want minimise custom js , css.

what version of angular material using? should happen automatically on resize in latest version (0.10.0).


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