ASP.NET PHP View: using Phalanger for only one page -


is possible use phalanger ( in mvc 1 view , leave else using normal razor view engine?


i using elfinder in site integrated using elfinder connector .net.

ideally, integrate responsive file manager, here:

unfortunately, aforementioned file manager written php.

i have read php can used within mvc using phalanger (see:

and wondering whether @ possible create php view , make file manager work site while @ same time leaving other pages alone.

note, know nothing of php @ all...

if @ possible, how go starting this?


i found simple implementation of mvc php view engine here (which based on phalanger):

i seem have sort of got working tinymce. shows quite nicely, when trying select file, throws various javascript errors. here link demo project made:

any geniuses out there can figure 1 out?

edit 2

the reason working when shouldn't have been silly enough have tinymce config point author's server.. follows:

external_filemanager_path:"", external_plugins: { "filemanager" : ""}, 

now when correct point local installation, have following error:

"the page requesting cannot served because of extension configuration"

i guess need tell iis / iis express how deal php files. looking @ this:

edit 3

thanks, @jakub míšek tip. did bit further - upgraded phalanger 4 advised , updated mvc5 while @ it. seems code being run, still not successfully. when try browse, there exception thrown in config.php file follows:

an exception of type 'php.core.phpexception' occurred in phpnetcore.dll not handled in user code  additional information: call undefined function: 'session_start' 

this being thrown @ first line of code, is:


if comment out , continue, next line throws same exception.

i've heard entire frameworks, such prado can run on phalanger. guess still doing wrong here.

i have uploaded latest attempt to:

would appreciate if can provide working example. start bounty large number of points when allowed , reward whoever can give best answer... having file manager in indeed awesome.

edit 4

i making pretty progress now, having worked out few issues... see screenshot below current status. have using .cshtml files (the php files being called file manager being processed php view engine), really, fantastic. seems have more issues deal with.. if manage working properly, post solution here benefit of others.

enter image description here

i solved this. interested, see article on codeproject:


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