Android Espresso: How do I assert that a view should not be displayed -

this seem correct...

onview (withid ( (matches (not (isdisplayed ()))); 

...but throws exception: no views in hierarchy found matching: id: if target view not part of view hierarchy, may need use espresso.ondata load 1 of following{3169f0f3 .f...... 0,0-480,724 #102000a android:id/list} 

what's best way assert view should not displayed?

what should have used this:

onview (withid( (doesnotexist ()); 

this maybe particular fact view in options menu , may or may not exist @ given time, depending on implementation in oncreateoptionsmenu , onprepareoptionsmenu


this method worked me non-menu views:

onview (withid(  .check(matches(witheffectivevisibility(viewmatchers.visibility.gone))); 


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