jquery - iPhone Safari and Chrome ignore JavaScript DOM changes -

right have javascript code gets data parse. when done getting data, appends select box user can make further selections. here's full code:

    parse.cloud.run("listevents", {}, {     success: function (results) {         var listitems = buildoptionfromparse("", "select date");         var today = new date();         (var = 0; < results.length; i++) {             var object = results[i];             var eventdate = object.get("eventdate");             var datestring = eventdate.getmonth() + 1 + "-" + eventdate.getdate() + "-" + eventdate.getfullyear();             var eventdate = new date(datestring);             if (eventdate > today) {                 listitems += buildoptionfromparse(datestring, datestring);             }         }          $("#date").html(listitems);     },     error: function (error) {     } }); 

buildoptionfromparse doesn't special, returns string:

return "<option value='" + value + "'>" + label + "</option>"; 

where listitems set of valid option strings.

this works fine on chrome on desktop, ie on desktop, , chrome on android. options appear in select boxes expect. however, not work on safari on ios (i checked on few versions have access perfecto mobile testing).

the other strange thing found tried on chrome iphone, thinking that'd fine. nope, same thing. options not populate.

kind of @ loss @ point. i'm using jquery 1.11.3 , updated after reading problem caused version of jquery on. didn't fix though.


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