python - Create dynamic menu from os.listdir -

how generate list of dynamic menu items based on number of files present in folder?

the current code retrieves filenames in folder, needs generate menu options.

from os import listdir os.path import isfile, join  folder = "path/folder/to/read/"  file_names = [fn fn in listdir(folder) if isfile(join(folder,fn))] print "select file manipulate:\n" f in file_names: print #add iterable menu items here somehow 

desired functionality:

"select file manipulate:  [1] test.csv [2] test2.csv [3] test3.csv" 

it should take raw_input 1, 2 or 3 , select corresponding f in file_names. folder + ans create full path path/folder/to/read/test.csv.

static example:

while ans:     print ("""     [1]. option 1     [2]. option 2     [3]. option 3     """)     ans = raw_input("select action: ")      if ans == "1":         #do     if ans == "2":         #do else     if ans == "3":         #do different 

made own solution:

folder = "path/folder/to/read/" file_names = [fn fn in listdir(folder) if isfile(join(folder,fn))] count = -1 f in file_names:     count = count + 1     print "[%s] " % count + f  while true:     ans_file = input("select file: ")     if ans_file > count:         print "wrong selection."         continue     path = folder + file_names[ans_file]     print "selected file: %s " % path     break 


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