ios - Change 1Password App extension navigation bar title color -

i trying change color of navigation bar title , status bar items in 1password app extension. unable find way it.

please image below. enter image description here

there must way it, uber app doing it. please find image below. enter image description here

can 1 please suggest me way it.

change navigationbar title color:

self.navigationcontroller.navigationbar.titletextattributes = @{nsforegroundcolorattributename:[uicolor graycolor]}; 

change status bar font color: info.plist add item: uiviewcontrollerbasedstatusbarappearance no enter image description here

2.add code in [viewcontroller viewdidload]

tip:if need change viewcontroller status font color,you should add in [appdelegate application:didfinishlaunchingwithoptions:]

[uiapplication sharedapplication] setstatusbarstyle:uistatusbarstylelightcontent]; 


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