javascript - Pagination with alethes:pages using a subscription -

folks. i'm using alethes:pages pagination in meteor app, , i'm needing use existing subscription control data it's displaying. seems way works paginates of records in collection, , not specific stuff want shown.

the code i've got far looks this, defining pagination:

browsepages = new meteor.pagination(mods, {     perpage: 15,     sort: {         createdat: -1     },     templatename: "browsemodslist",     itemtemplate: "browsemoditem",     table: {         fields: ["name", "category", "createdat"],         header: ["name", "author", "category", "date added", "rating", "current version"],         class: "table table-striped"     },     divwrapper: false,     auth: function(skip, sub) {         var thecat = categories.findone({slug: router.current().params.slug});         return mods.find({category: thecat._id});     } }); 

i assuming limit paginated data cursor i'm returning via auth, it's hanging there spinner now.

i'm pretty confused, shed light on awesome. i'm looking enforce same limitation (somehow) onto pagination, don't know how it.

here's more relevant code:


// browse router.route('/browse/:slug', function() {     this.render('browsemodslist'); }, {     name: 'browse',     waiton: function() {         return [             subs.subscribe('catmods', this.params.slug)         ]     } }); 


meteor.publish('catmods', function(tag) {     var category = categories.findone({slug: tag});     if (category) {         var catid = category._id;         return mods.find({category: catid});     } else {         return this.ready();     } }); 

thanks ahead of time assistance, usual!

add fields key shown below.

browsepages = new meteor.pagination(mods, {      perpage: 15,     fields: {name: 1, category:1, createdat:1},  }); 


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