python 2.7 - Annotate a column field from relation on django -

i got 2 models defined owner , dog

class dog(models.model):     name = models.charfield(max_length=255)     owner = models.foreignkey(owner)     adopted_date = models.datetimefield()   class owner(models.model):     name = models.charfield(max_length=255) 

i want make list owners amount of dogs adopted date.

example: ownername date amount richard 15/11/24 2 jow 15/11/24 2

i making query

dog.objects.values('owner', 'adopted_date').annotate(count('owner')).order_by() 

the problem here query return owner id not name.

{     'owner':1,     'adopted_date': 'date',     'owner_count': 2 } 

i need on owner name of owner, like.

{     'owner':'richard,     'adopted_date': 'date',     'owner_count': 2 } 

any appreciated.


this solution works, i'm having few doubts it, making query dog.objects.values('owner__name', 'owner', 'adopted_date').annotate(count('owner'))

we can result, worry performance, generate group every column inside values, don't need group owner_name because column not unique.

i looking

dog.objects.values('owner', 'adopted_date').annotate(count('owner'), column('owner__name')).order_by() 

i know column aggregator function don't exist, maybe way this.

thanks in advance.

if change query to

dog.objects.values('owner__name', 'adopted_date').annotate(count('owner')) 

you list of dictionaries of form want:

{     'owner__name': 'richard',     'adopted_date': 'date',     'owner__count': 2 } 

i couldn't find in documentation values() clause, it's common in django orm syntax refer members of foreign key related field of query (ie, "owner") using double underscores (ie, "owner__name").


with above solution, there still problem if 2 dogs have same adoption date , 2 different owners same name, grouped. if want group output dog (which ensure 1 owner per group, since there 1 owner per dog) anywhere in query add .order_by('pk').

this works, seems hackish since utilizes order_by purpose other ordering. i'll update again if come across better way of doing it.


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