checksum - Python 3 - Computing a hash/checkdigit/etc. to verify which program was used -
i have class of computer science students , writing them simple python program practice denary <-> binary conversions, have hand in text file output of program confirm can them in reasonable time. no problems there.
i want use same program demonstrate python them, though, need access source code.
my concern that makes easy them cheat on test altering source code ensure output gives them full marks. include hash/checkdigit/some other form of verification can output text file , confirm used program gave them, not modified version.
any algorithm based on name, date, etc. wouldn't sufficient copy algorithm on own version, need unique supplied code. perhaps based on date of creation of program? or else impossible replicate.
further, due limitations of network run on, have access modules come installed idle.
does have ideas suitable way of doing this?
i write script imports python program described above. within script use email module attach , send script, script , converted output file. information on email module can found here -->
once have of there responses can use shell diff command see if modified original code.
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