javascript - Injection error with controllers and service in same module -

i'm trying create single angular module has controllers , service defined in same module. im getting , unknown provider error error: $injector:unpr. i'm not redefining module multiple times i'm not sure problem is.

// index.js var pdizzapp = angular.module('pdizzapp', [     'ngroute',     'blogmodule' ]);  pdizzapp.config(['$routeprovider', function ($routeprovider) {     $routeprovider         .when('/blog', {             templateurl: 'app/blog/view/blog-list.html',             controller: 'bloglistcontroller'         })         .when('/blog/:postid', {             templateurl: 'app/blog/view/blog-detail.html',             controller: 'blogdetailcontroller'         })         .otherwise({             redirectto: '/blog'         }) }]);    //blogmodule.js var blogmodule = angular.module('blogmodule', []);  blogmodule.factory('postservice', ['$resource',     function ($resource) {         return $resource('api/blog/post/:postid', {}, {             query: {method: 'get', params: {postid: 'posts'}, isarray: true}         });     }]);  blogmodule.controller('bloglistcontroller', ['$scope', 'postservice',     function ($scope, postservice) {         $scope.posts = postservice.query();          /**          * turn string date object          * @param date          * @returns {date}          */         $scope.todate = function(date) {             return new date(date);         };     }]);  blogmodule.controller('blogdetailcontroller', ['$scope', '$routeparams', 'postservice',     function ($scope, $routeparams, postservice) {         $ = postservice.get({postid: $routeparams.postid});          /**          * turn string date object          * @param date          * @returns {date}          */         $scope.todate = function(date) {             return new date(date);         };     }]); 

the issue can find blogmodule needs use ngroute module, in order able inject $routeparams

so change

var blogmodule = angular.module('blogmodule', []); 


var blogmodule = angular.module('blogmodule', ['ngroute']); 


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