ios - Creating an app for an already made website -

i started internship local county , first task got them create app existing job searching/posting site(like or jobfind, etc). never made app before school didn't offer ios development course kind of stressing out on , have pretty been left figure out myself.

i doing on ui design app , turning out nicely. issue having registration forms , postings. example, when registering account have registration form filled labels , text fields so:

name: _____________ phone: _____________ address: ____________

and on. question is, how user inputs in text fields when registering/logging app connect same database running website connected to. have access php folder/files website , database on mysql workbench. have viewed numerous tutorials , read few of them use different examples mine , ended confusing me more. figured post question here in case has done before or maybe has read/seen great tutorial have not came across yet. help/tips extremely appreciated learn how so. using objective-c , xcode 6. thank


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