javascript - AuglarFire Authenticating With Routers throw unknown provider error -
so following firebase doc here authentication routers. instead, use ionic / ui-router , has abstract view , actual view controller. here structure:
.state('auth', { url: "/auth", abstract: true, templateurl: "app/auth/auth.html", resolve: { "currentauth": ["auth", function(auth){ // $waitforauth returns promise resolve waits complete return auth.$waitforauth(); }] } }) .state('auth.signin', { url: '/signin', views: { 'auth-signin': { templateurl: 'app/auth/auth-signin.html', controller: 'signinctrl' } } }) .state('home', { cache: false, abstract: true, url: "/home", templateurl: "app/home/home.html", controller: 'hometabctrl', resolve: { "currentauth": ["auth", function(auth){ // $requireauth returns promise resolve waits complete // if promise rejected, throw $statechangeerror (see above) return auth.$requireauth(); }] } }) .state('', { cache: false, url: "/courses", views: { "tab-courses": { templateurl: "app/home/courses.html", controller: "coursectrl" } } })
so works fine. when go without logging in, redirect auth.signin. want currentauth return object/promise inside signinctrl. when user logged in, if go auth.signin state, redirect them instead. follow doc instruction inject currentauth in controller so:
(function () { 'use strict'; angular.module("myapp").controller('signinctrl', ['currentauth', '$scope', '$rootscope', signinctrl]); function signinctrl(currentauth, $scope, $rootscope){ console.log (currentauth); } })();
it throw error:
error: [$injector:unpr] unknown provider: currentauthprovider <- currentauth <- signinctrl
i did same thing docs example , try currentauth promise object (in order use if statement redirect user if currentauth not null). not work :( please firebase team.
according kato, not able access currentauth promise. conventional way see if user logged in if in route /auth/signin/ , redirect them /home/courses/ route?
the error pretty informative; routes 101 , has been covered dozens of times on stack overflow. key here understanding currentauth
not service or module (you've attempted include module , service here), injected resolve method when specific route invoked.
currentauth therefore not available /signin
path, since there no resolve
route. it's available "home" route because of resolve:
resolve: { "currentauth": ["auth", function(auth){
thus, can't use data in /signin unless create resolve route injects there, should superfluous since send them /signin if authdata null.
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