javascript - use parameters in window.location.replace -

i have following script works fine:

if(error1 == 1){     window.alert('you have signed up!');     window.location.replace('index.php');     } 

but when want use following url instead of index.php, not substitute parameters:

if(error1 == 1){     window.alert('you have signed up!');     window.location.replace('".$campaign_id."&worker=".$worker_id."');     } 

this code, redirects me$campaign_id.&worker=.$worker_id. while need parameters replaced actual numbers.

i know can use php header, used within php codes , both workerd fine:

echo "<script>alert('please sign first!');window.location = '".$campaign_id."&worker=".$worker_id."';</script>"; 

but know how can use parameters window.location.replace.


try below :

if(error1 == 1){     window.alert('you have signed up!');     window.location.replace('<?php echo $campaign_id; ?>&worker=<?php echo $worker_id; ?>');     } 

above work if php file , not js file


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