java - Failing to connect to Spark Master: Reason is: [Disassociated] -
i'm trying connect spark cluster on local machine eclipse rich platform application create spark streaming context. connecting spark shell works flawlessly when try run code class i'm working on result:
warn reliabledeliverysupervisor: association remote system [akka.tcp://host:7077] has failed, address gated [5000] ms. reason is: [disassociated].
clearly host identical 1 i'm using in spark shell.
this block of code try connect spark.
sparkconf conf = new sparkconf().setappname("sparknode") .setmaster("spark://host:7077").set("spark.akka.heartbeat.interval", "100"); javasparkcontext sc = new javasparkcontext(conf); javastreamingcontext ssc = new javastreamingcontext(sc,durations.seconds(3)); ssc.awaittermination();
it retries few times , terminates.
there might version problem spark server might 1.3 while have dependency of 1.4 in pom file if using maven or have jar file 1.4 please cross reference , in code
sparkconf conf = new sparkconf().setappname("sparknode") .setmaster("spark://host:7077").set("spark.akka.heartbeat.interval", "100");
spark://host:7077 host should hostname
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